miercuri, 7 februarie 2007

Dupa ce ora traieste Dumnezeu?

Primesc ieri in mail un spam de ala de iti sfasie inima, sufletul, ficatul, splina si pancreasul in bucatele mici, mici, ingurgitabile. Ceva de genul trimite mai departe la cel putin sapte persoane, etc... Mai exact mesajul de mai jos

"Forward this message the same day you received it
It may sound ridiculous, but it is right on time
We believe that something is about to happen. Angels exist, only sometimes they haven't got wings and we call them friends; you are one of them
Something wonderful is about to happen to you and your friends.
Tomorrow at 9:12 AM somebody will address you and tell you something you have been waiting to hear.
Please do not break this chain. Send it to at least 7 of your friends.

Ok, am zis sa fiu baiat bun si l-am trimis mai departe. Si azi am asteptat sa ma contacteze cineva pe la ora respectiva. Surpriza. Nimeni nu m-a contactat, frate, la ora amintita. Imi e din ce in ce mai clar ca Dumnezeu nu gandeste dupa ora Bucurestiului, Atenei sau a Ierusalimului. Asta explica multe lucruri!

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